The mother smiled as she held the small, red University of Utah onesie against her torso.
The clothing, along with booties, caps and tutus, should come in handy for Guillermina Garcia, who has five newborns to clothe these days. Three girls and two boys — Esmeralda, Fatima, Marissa, Jordan and Fernando — were born via Cesarean section to Garcia and her husband, Fernando, around 11:30 a.m. Sunday at Salt Lake City’s University Hospital.
“She’s happy, very happy, about all five of her babies,” Spanish translator and hospital spokeswoman Marissa Villasenor said of Garcia. “It was a lot of emotions. (Garcia and her husband) were happy to see they were normal and everything was good.”
The quintuplets were a first for the hospital and among only about 12 to 30 born to women in the United States each year, Dr. Tracy Manuck said.
“We’ve had several patients with triplets or quadruplets, and we used that knowledge and experience to guide our care of Mrs. Garcia,” Manuck said.
The five infants — ranging in size from 2 pounds, 12 ounces to 3 pounds, 14 ounces — each had a team of at least five doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses and a respiratory specialists, according to Dr. Elizabeth O’Brien, who is charged with their care in University Hospital’s Newborn Intensive Care Unit. They were delivered within two minutes.
Tagged: baby, guillermina garcia, healthy, Latina, mom, mother, parenting, parents, quintuplets, utah